About Me

I'm Shaun. I'd consider myself the epitome of contentedness. I come off as homosexual nine times out of ten, and I'm a very happy person. For what I lack in problems and tragic pasts, I make up for with Awesomeness.

Saturday, 3 January 2009

I think a lot about Perception....

I actually had a good introductory line sorted, but then I had to google search the word "perception" to check that I got it right, depite the fact that Firefox comes with spell check (Get Firefox!).
Don't you ever wonder that you're seeing it all wrong?
It starts with a comment.
"Phwoar, I would."
You look where your comrade is clumsily swinging their lust-dripping eyes, to see a person that, well, you woudn't feel was worth such enthusiasm.

Normally, such disagreement is commonplace. Perception is a fickle mistress. (New drinking game, every time I personify something as stupid as a form of cognitive awareness, you take a drink.) It's Relativity. A minute with your finger on the stove will feel like an hour, and an hour with a pretty girl is a minute. I mean, we are creatures that see thinner people if they're wearing horizontal stripes, and can look at the same cloud and make equally ridiculous yet violently conflicting comparisons.
Hell, if a girl's got a big enough rack, she's the funniest girl on the planet.

But maybe this isn't a normal time.
Maybe you disagree. You think. You disect.

Do they not know what "Hot" is?
Maybe it's you.
Are you wrong?

Before you know it, your mind pricks with barbs of doubt.
Do you look like what you think you look like?
Does anyone?
Is their Blue the same as yours?

From there, the abstract welcomes himself in, because what's a little social anxiety without adding in devices of theological, metaphysical, and/or psychological natures? (Drink)

Maybe you have pleasure down wrong.
And pain.
And love.

Of course, this train of thought is nothing if not destructive. And that's not me. Which is where rationality (pretty weird misplaced rationality) enters the ring. (Drink.)

One can describe a Universe as all there is. The end all, be all.

But it's ours to define.

Take a Schrodingerian approach (whilst ignoring the intended meaning of the eponymous cat as an attack on Quantum Physics). You can only measure, therefore percieve and acknowledge, what you can observe.
My Universe is what I see, and what I hear, and what I feel.
And most importantly, what I make of it. What I percieve.

Now the Universe is truly ours to define.

Long story short, what you think is right, for you.
But no one else will think so.