About Me

I'm Shaun. I'd consider myself the epitome of contentedness. I come off as homosexual nine times out of ten, and I'm a very happy person. For what I lack in problems and tragic pasts, I make up for with Awesomeness.

Sunday, 23 November 2008


Ech.... One week has passed, and I have missed 4 deadlines, including this post-midnight post. I feel like a traitor. I'll be the first to admit there hasn't been enough time, special circumstance and all, but I feel as though this is going to be that "Just one more.... And another...." kind of scenarios.


Three quick internet links-

Why the World is crazy, Awesome beauty tips and a game where you play with yourself- ten times.
I'd go into more detail, but guess what I don't have? More time


Get Chrome and Firefox.

Chrome is the fastest browser on the web, Firefox lets you have awesome things like Stumble, as well as being safer.
If you need just one, get Chrome for those of you un-internet savvy, Firefox for those who like to customise.
Both way better than Internet Explorer.

My Life:
Coursework. Fur Cereal, that's all it's really been. Might put some anecdotes or something as an edit, but for the most part, my social life has been more or less destroyed by the combined forces of Business, Stats and Drama.


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