About Me

I'm Shaun. I'd consider myself the epitome of contentedness. I come off as homosexual nine times out of ten, and I'm a very happy person. For what I lack in problems and tragic pasts, I make up for with Awesomeness.

Monday, 1 December 2008

Maths is Cool- Humour.

Over the last week, i have discovered possibly the greatest thing in the world; Math-Based humour. As if I'm not going to post a freaking deluge of them right here.

Three statisticians are hunting in the woods. One shoots at a pigeon, but hits a branch one foot above it. The second shoots at the same pigeon (stupid pigeon, huh?) and misses, shooting one foot beneath it.
The third one lowers his gun, and says "Well done, got one!"

A farmer is asking an engineer, a physicist and a mathematician to build the most efficient fence around his flock of sheep.
The engineer builds a square fence around the sheep and says "That's the best I can do".
The physicist wraps a fence around the equator and slowly shrinks it until it encounters the first sheep, then says "That's the best I can do".
The mathematician smirks and takes a meter-long length of fence, wraps it around himself and declares triumphantly "I define myself to be outside!"

A physicist and a mathematician were asked to remove two nails, one of them punched all the way into the wall, the other just half-way. The physicist just pulled out the one that was half-way in and then, after toiling some time, managed to pull out the second one. The mathematician started with the one that was all the way in the wall, since it was more interesting. After some considerable time and effort, he managed to get it out. Then he looked at the other one, and uttering the words "This can be simplified to an already solved case" punched it all the way into the wall.

What do you call an occupied restroom in an airplane?
A hypotenuse.

Why do Universities have Mathematics departments?
It's cheaper than institutionalizing all those people.

There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary, those who don't, and those who can use induction.

Why did the chicken cross the Mobius strip?
To get to the other ... um ... *scratches head*

A physicist, a biologist and a mathematician are sitting in a street cafe opposite an empty house. They see two people go into the house. Time passes, and after a while they see three people walk out of the house.
The physicist says "The measurements were not accurate."
The biologist says "The people who went into the house have reproduced."
The mathematician says "Now, if exactly one person enters the house it will be empty again."

women = time * money
time = money
women = money ^ 2
money = evil ^ .5
women = evil

Why weren't sin and tan invited to the trig party?
Just cos.

Why do computer scientists always confuse Halloween and Christmas?
Because OCT31 equals DEC25!

What did the mathematician say after Thanksgiving dinner?

Why do people get afraid at the 2501st digit of e?
Because 7 ate 9.

One day, Jesus said to his disciples: "The Kingdom of Heaven is like 3x2 + 8x - 9."
A man who had just joined the disciples looked very confused and asked Peter: "What on Earth does he mean by that?"
Peter replied: "Don't worry - it's just another one of his parabolas."

...That's all for today ^_^

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