About Me

I'm Shaun. I'd consider myself the epitome of contentedness. I come off as homosexual nine times out of ten, and I'm a very happy person. For what I lack in problems and tragic pasts, I make up for with Awesomeness.

Tuesday 23 December 2008

I'm so sorry >_<

You shouldn't speak to objects. Not only does it bestow undeserved personification to otherwise mundane and lifeless constructs, it's also unhealthy.
So, how much worse is it to apologise to coding? To what exists as binary finesse on a piece of silicon?

It doesn't matter.

I'm sorry blog.

I've broken my promise.
I've displayed acts of disloyalty and desertion.
I've let you down, and myself down.

But yes, back to speech of greater coherency and sanity.

Honestly enough, I've just not had the time to supply my unobserved and trivial ramblings, due to exams, Christmas, life, the usual suspects.
Regular blogging should commence soon. I can't promise that'll it'll commence very soon, but at least by January, or whenever I start school. Once I'm back to regular living, I can resume schedule.

Seeya whenever.

Friday 5 December 2008

Get ready for a date with yourself.

My advice this week? Find an hour or so that you're not going to use productively anyhow.
Find some nice weather, and some warm, dry grass.
Have a good lie down.

For extra funsies, an iPod and a good coat/pillow is recommended.

I started doing this when I noticed that nearly every day on my paper round I pass this lovely clearing, that's always dry, and dogs don't seem to poop there.
So, naturally, I decided that one day, I was going to lie there.

It's definitely good soul food, and it's surprisingly easy to fall asleep =P

Besides, if you can't make time to lie in a field, what do you have time for anyway?

Thursday 4 December 2008

From the Internet, Through Me, To You.

First off, What happens when geeks get creative. Put it this way, whatever powers a person can gain from being socially impotent for a long number of years, whilst amassing such unparalleled knowledge, hatred for people and love for Transformers must be pretty damn epic, as the link shows.

Secondly, Ten Pounds says you act like this on the internet. Which is to say, like an asshole. The powers of anonymity.

Last but not least, go and read the entire archive of XKCD. It actually makes you smarter. Or at least feel it.

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Let's get Ready to Raaammmble!

I was much too amused at such a simple pun.
The idea of things missing upsets me a lot for some reason. Just not having something, missing or losing something really strikes at me, and I don't know why.

Like space missions. The astronauts piss into the shuttle for a while, and eventually eject it all into space. That's not a lot, maybe a few litres of urine? That means some water, ammonia, carbon and trace minerals.
But it's gone.
We'll never have it back.
The Earth has lessened.

It's just things like that. Another example. When I was younger, I was given a load of 1/2 pennies. maybe 50 or so. That amount has whittled down to 10 that I know of over the past few years, and that makes me sad. These were the objects of childhood games and dreams, and they're gone, some where, anywhere. I'd even get upset if a shirt was missing a button, or something was missing a label.
I can remember crying whenever I had to replace furniture or clothes that i ahd had for so long.

I can't bring myself to lose things. I always seem to think I might need them someday. Various codes, documents, things of distant aspirations. And like hell I'm gonna get rid of it.
The same goes for a lot of things I have.
My school bag: Contains documents and missed homeworks from 2 years ago.
Might be useful though.
My MSN: Has contacts that I have never spoken to in my life.
But maybe I'll need to talk to them someday.

Except it's all useless.

Even RPGs. Despite having the best weapons in the game, beyond comparison, I'll still carry a load of elemental crap, or special armor. In case I need it. But I know I've seen everything the game has to offer, but that doesn't stop me carting 4 types of ice armor and 99 of every battle item.

As a child, I was a huge Magpie. I used to have this beanbag chair, that I would fill with things. Shiney things, plastic things, crystalline things. I had a huge obsession over "Crystals". It'd mainly be plasticy cheap stuff I stole from my sister, or some sort of lego thing or something.The most precious thing would probably be a rock with some minerals on it, that I was convinced was some sort of crystal or diamond. One thing I've always been ashamed of, was one time I visited a graveyard, and there was this grave, covered with these fake emeralds. it was beautiful. And I ahd to have one. So I took one.
I threw up for three nights, but I still didn't give it back. It was precious.

The beanbag is still perched atop my wardrobe, sinking with weight and jingling with marbles.

What worries me a lot as well, is what this says about me. Does this make me materialistic? Perhaps I value matter over the things that are supposed to matter.

You know what people should watch?

This show, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei.
(Interesting Note, the alternative title for this blog was going to be "Look at me, I can post the pictures now!")

Anyways, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, the show I'm going to attempt to persuade you to watch (might as well admit it) is an anime, 26 episodes long, and quite amazing. And I have quite an erection for the main guy. Quite-a-Dish.

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei (or, So Long, Mr. Despair for us normal-speaking people) starts out with an innocent school girl, Kafuka, skipping amongst the sakura trees, when she notices a man hanging himself. Terrified, she frantically tugs the not-quite-deceased man, who is throttled increasingly, before the rope breaks. As they tumble to the floor, the man rises angrily, and yells "What would you have done if I died just then!"
This man is Itoshiki Nozumo, a man of unlimited pessimism. A man who tries to kill himself on a whim constantly. A man who is known to yell "I'm in Despair! the cultural irrelevancy of japan has left me in despair!"
So who better to meet than Kafuka, the most pessimistic girl in the world.
After being infuriated with her unending happiness, Itoshiki leaves, returning to his job- A school teacher.
Of course, it wouldn't be an anime if ridiculous coincidences didn't happen every five minutes. So who do you think is one of his students?

Each episode typically follows the format of Itoshiki meeting a student who reveals some sort of problem. Itoshiki becomes depressed at the problem, and goes on to lead the rest of the class into his never ending gloom, often embarking on ridiculous ventures to examine or rectify such trivial matters. It may not sound it, but I can guarantee both hilarity and zaniness. The show sports brilliant music, a unique and interesting cast, and the most flair and style I have seen in an anime. And despite what it looks and sounds like, it is very much a comedy. Not even a hint of seriousness in it.

Of course, that's the problem with the show- it's an anime. that means that if you dislike hearing foreign speech, reading the subtitles or japanese things in general, this isn't for you. How ever, those with more open minds and a lot more time and their hands should watch this now, it's superb.
Interested? you can watch it here. You can find the openings on youtube, which are also amazing.

Monday 1 December 2008

Maths is Cool- Humour.

Over the last week, i have discovered possibly the greatest thing in the world; Math-Based humour. As if I'm not going to post a freaking deluge of them right here.

Three statisticians are hunting in the woods. One shoots at a pigeon, but hits a branch one foot above it. The second shoots at the same pigeon (stupid pigeon, huh?) and misses, shooting one foot beneath it.
The third one lowers his gun, and says "Well done, got one!"

A farmer is asking an engineer, a physicist and a mathematician to build the most efficient fence around his flock of sheep.
The engineer builds a square fence around the sheep and says "That's the best I can do".
The physicist wraps a fence around the equator and slowly shrinks it until it encounters the first sheep, then says "That's the best I can do".
The mathematician smirks and takes a meter-long length of fence, wraps it around himself and declares triumphantly "I define myself to be outside!"

A physicist and a mathematician were asked to remove two nails, one of them punched all the way into the wall, the other just half-way. The physicist just pulled out the one that was half-way in and then, after toiling some time, managed to pull out the second one. The mathematician started with the one that was all the way in the wall, since it was more interesting. After some considerable time and effort, he managed to get it out. Then he looked at the other one, and uttering the words "This can be simplified to an already solved case" punched it all the way into the wall.

What do you call an occupied restroom in an airplane?
A hypotenuse.

Why do Universities have Mathematics departments?
It's cheaper than institutionalizing all those people.

There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary, those who don't, and those who can use induction.

Why did the chicken cross the Mobius strip?
To get to the other ... um ... *scratches head*

A physicist, a biologist and a mathematician are sitting in a street cafe opposite an empty house. They see two people go into the house. Time passes, and after a while they see three people walk out of the house.
The physicist says "The measurements were not accurate."
The biologist says "The people who went into the house have reproduced."
The mathematician says "Now, if exactly one person enters the house it will be empty again."

women = time * money
time = money
women = money ^ 2
money = evil ^ .5
women = evil

Why weren't sin and tan invited to the trig party?
Just cos.

Why do computer scientists always confuse Halloween and Christmas?
Because OCT31 equals DEC25!

What did the mathematician say after Thanksgiving dinner?

Why do people get afraid at the 2501st digit of e?
Because 7 ate 9.

One day, Jesus said to his disciples: "The Kingdom of Heaven is like 3x2 + 8x - 9."
A man who had just joined the disciples looked very confused and asked Peter: "What on Earth does he mean by that?"
Peter replied: "Don't worry - it's just another one of his parabolas."

...That's all for today ^_^